Wednesday 19 November 2008

Drip drip!

Well it's been an interesting week, our washing machine decided to fill the utility, kitchen, hall, bathroom and part of the cat room with water instead of washing the clothes! The dogs and cats were not impressed but the kittens thought the mopping up was great fun!!
The babies are getting big now and I'm growing more and more attached to them but as much as I would like I simply cannot keep them all, I know the right homes will turn up so it's just a matter of sitting and waiting.
We have no other litters due now, which considering half the house is going to be ripped up in the next couple of weeks, is no bad thing. I dread to think what Christmas is going to be like.
Spring and Thor are still growing like weeds and are both lovely dogs, if only we could get some sensible enquiries for them and the kittens, instead of the constant stream of 'how much'?